Starting with a new idea to solve an industry-wide problem, the ReeferShield inventors developed a unique solution, patented their invention, and now successfully market their new product to trucking companies throughout the US and internationally.
Problem: Damaged Doors on Refrigerated Semis Create Serious Risks
Dangerously Damaged Thermo King Refrigeration Unit Doors
Around-the-clock, long-distance refrigerated semi-trailers are on the road all across America, delivering perishable food, beverages, and other temperature-sensitive cargo. Refrigerated semi-trailers, called “Reefer Units” by professional truckers, have refrigeration units built in, and these refrigeration units are protected from wear-and-tear due to wind and weather, and by a set of doors and panels that enclose the refrigeration units.
When these doors and panels become bent, loosened, detached, or otherwise damaged, the safety and liability risks become enormous. For example, some Reefer Unit mishaps have put truck operators out of business, and have put people into the hospital, or worse.
Solution: ReeferShield Invention Protects Reefer Units from Damage
That’s why longtime Reefer Trucker John Hadley invented the ReeferShield. The result of over a decade of prototyping and testing, the ReeferShield is a system of straps and pads that protect and secure reefer unit doors, while making it easy for drivers to open the doors for servicing or inspection.
Some of the straps of the ReeferShield have anti-vibration pads that dampen door vibration due to high winds, which improves safety and enhances reefer unit component longevity. Also, the outer surface of these anti-vibration pads have reflective banding for greater visibility – an added safety feature at night.
First Step: Seek Patent Protection
John Hadley and his wife / business partner Barbara Hadley came to Russ Weinzimmer & Associates, P.C. seeking help to effectively patent protect their invention and to market their new product. After performing a Patent Search, Mr. Weinzimmer prepared and filed a high quality Patent Application which later issued as US Patent 10,882,440 B1.
Once Patent Pending: Formulate Plan to Market New Product
As soon as patent-pending status was attained, the Hadleys immediately got to work on commercializing their invention with the help of Commercialization Specialist Joe Carlen, MBA, MISM, CVA, a Senior Associate at Russ Weinzimmer & Associates, P.C.
Mr. Carlen, who has helped Russ Weinzimmer & Associates’ clients make successful licensing deals, negotiate patent sales, obtain product distribution deals, and market new products, began with a Comprehensive Market Assessment and Commercialization Plan. The Hadleys were very impressed by the findings of the assessment, and the methodical clear step-by-step approach of the commercialization plan to market their new product.
Next Step: Create E-commerce Website
Joe Carlen and his team of designers and programmers then proceeded to write and design a visually appealing and persuasively written e-commerce website, while Mr. Carlen worked to find manufacturers for the ReeferShield product.
Result: ReeferShield Invention Currently Selling to Trucking Companies Worldwide
Now Protecting Refrigerated Semi-Trailers
Fast forward several months, and the right manufacturer was found. As a result, the Hadleys have already sold hundreds of ReeferShield units to multiple trucking companies, with many more to follow. The outreach effort, led by Mr. Carlen, has leveraged highly sophisticated databases of decision-makers from trucking companies throughout the U.S. and internationally to market their new product.
From Your Mind to The Marketplace® Process Successfully Brings New Product to Market
The successful experience of the Hadleys is yet another example of how clients of Russ Weinzimmer & Associates, P.C. benefit from their From Your Mind to The Marketplace® process. The firm’s founder, Russ Weinzimmer, Esq., working to protect Inventor John Hadley’s breakthrough invention, successfully pursued patent rights via the US patent system, resulting in an issued US Patent. Synergistically, Senior Associate Joe Carlen implemented an ambitious data-driven commercialization plan that continues to deliver real success for the Hadleys as they market their new product.
Photo of the Inventor with a Friend in front of his ReeferShield Prototype
Professional Help to Patent Your Invention and Market Your New Product
Call for your Free Phone Consultation with Patent Attorney Russ Weinzimmer: (800) 621-3654.
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